Accounting research methods Danny A. Cabulay
by Cabulay, Danny A. Publisher: Manila : Rex Book Store, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: Fil HF 5630 C33 2022] (1).
Business research methods for Chinese students : a practical guide to your research project
by Xian, Huiping. Publisher: Los Angeles Sage 2018Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: LC 3057 .X53 2018] (1).
Classroom management : preparing special education teachers
by Danocup, O' Briones. Publisher: Quezon City ; Lorimar Publishing ; 2010Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C Fil. LC 4015 D189 2010595] (1).
Do you research
by Owings, Lisa. Publisher: U.S.A: Lerner Publishing Group, c2014Availability: Items available for loan: PYP English [Call number: 001.4 Ow4d 2014] (1).
Educational research : a practical approach
by Beeger, George R. Publisher: New York ; Delmar Publishers ; 1996Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C 370.78 B475e 1996] (1).
Exploring research
by Salkind, Neil J. Edition: 4thPublisher: New Jersey ; Prentice-Hall ; 2000Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: BF 76.5 S25 2000] (1).
Exploring research
by Salkind, Neil J. Edition: 5thPublisher: New Jersey ; Pearson Educationn Inc. ; 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Graduate Studies [Call number: BF 76.5 S25 2003] (1).
The good research guide : for small - scale social research projects
by Denscombe, Martyn. Publisher: New York : Open University Press, 2017Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 300.72 D433 2017] (1).
How to design and evaluate research in education
by Fraenkel, Jack R. Edition: 6thPublisher: Boston ; McGraw-Hill Book Co. ; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: LB 1028 F73 2006] (1).
How to design and evaluate research in education
by Fraenkel, Jack R. Edition: 5thPublisher: Boston ; McGraw Hill ; 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Graduate Studies [Call number: GS LB 1028 F73 2000] (1).
How to do your research project : a guide for students
by Thomas, Gary. Edition: 3rd ed. --Publisher: London : SAGE Publications 2017Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 300.72 T3611 2017] (1).
Library skills and Internet research Precious McKenzie
by McKenzie, Precious. Publisher: Minnesota : Rourke Educational Media, 2015Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 001.4 M4599 2015] (1).
Methods of research in business education
by Flores, Marivic Francisco. Publisher: Manila ; Unlimited Books Library Services & Pub. Inc. ; 2016Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C Fil LB 2369 F663 2016275] (1).
Methods of research in business education Marivic F. Flores
by Flores, Marivic F. Edition: 2nd ed.Publisher: Manila : Unlimited books, 2023Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: Fil LB 2369 F56 2023] (1).
Nursing research : generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice
by Polit, Denise F. Edition: 8thPublisher: Philadelphia ; Lippincott Williams and Wilkins ; 2008Availability: No items available Damaged (1).
Practical research 2 Jovid Maricar D. Maranan, [et.al]
by Maranan, Mario H. 2. Ayad, Janice Bea B. 3. Valderama, Marcon S. Publisher: Intramuros, Manila : Mindshapers Co., Inc., 2023Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: SHS Fil LB 2369 P73r 2023] (1).
Practical research 2 : quantitative research / Paul Micah S. Francisco, Virlyn J. Francisco and James Jaime
by Francisco, Paul Micah S | Francisco, Virlyn J. 2. Jaime, James. Publisher: Intramuros, Manila : Mindshapers Co., Inc., 2022Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: SHS Fil LB 2369 F73 2022] (1).
Principles and methods of resource
by Ariola, Mariano M. Publisher: Manila ; Rex Book Store ; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C Fil. Q 180.55 M4 Ar43 2006317] (1).
Qualitative research methods for the social science
by Berg, Bruce L. Edition: 3rdPublisher: Boston ; Allyn & Bacon ; 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Graduate Studies [Call number: GS H 61 .B47 1998 ] (1).
Research 1 & 2 (qualitative and quantitative research) for senior high school)
by Ragma, Feljone Galima. Publisher: Manila Mindshapers Co., Inc. 2016Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: SHFil LB 2326.3 R127 2016] (1).