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1. Cues : master the secret language of charismatic communication

by Edwards, Vanessa Van.

Publisher: New York : Portfolio/Penguin, 2022Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: R BF 637.C45 Ed26 2022] (1).

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2. The Infinite game

by Sinek, Simon.

Publisher: U.S.A. : Portfolio/Penguin, 2019Availability: No items available Checked out (1).

3. Leader eat last : why some teams pull together and other don't

by Sinek, Simon.

Publisher: New York : Portfolio/Penguin, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: R HD 57.7 S548 2014] (1).

4. Lives of the stoics : the art of living from zeno to Marcus Aurelius

by Holiday, Ryan | Hanselman, Stephen.

Publisher: New York : Portfolio/Penguin, 2020Availability: No items available Checked out (1).

5. My Life in full : work, family, and our future

by NooYi, Indra K.

Publisher: New York : Portfolio/Penguin, 2021Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: R HD 6054.4.I5 N818 2021] (1).

6. The personal MBA : master the art of business / Josh Kaufman

by Kaufman, Josh.

Publisher: [New York] : Portfolio/Penguin, 2020Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: GS HD 31 K38 2020] (1).

7. Super thinking the big book of mental models Gabriel Weinberg and Lauren McCann

by Weinberg, Gabriel.

Publisher: New York Portfolio / Penguin 2019Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 153.4 W423s 2019] (1).

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