The great gatsby Fi Scott Fitzgerald
by Fitzgerald, Fi Scott. Publisher: London Macmillan Popular Classics 2016Availability: No items available In transit (1).
Great ghost stories Publisher: London ; The Reader's Digest Association ; 1997Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.83 G798] (1).
Great lives, great deeds : a selection of memorable biographies from the Reader's digest
by The Reader's Digest. Publisher: London ; The Reader's Digest ; 1965Availability: No items available Damaged (1).
The greatest tales of Sherlock Holmes
by Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan. Publisher: London ; Macmillan Education ; 1992Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.83 D772g] (1).
Growing up
by Meredith, Susan. Publisher: London ; Usborne Pub. Ltd. ; c1991Availability: Items available for loan: Elementary English [Call number: 305.2355 M541g 1991] (1).
Guide to Philosophy
by Joad, C.E. M. Publisher: London ; Victor Gollancz ; 1955Availability: No items available Damaged (1).
Gulliver's travels
by Swift, Jonathan. Publisher: London ; Macmilaln Education ; 1995Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 828.991501 Sw55g] (1).
Gulliver's travels Jonathan Swift
by Swift, Jonathan. Publisher: London : Bloomsbury books, c 1993Availability: Items available for loan: Elementary English [Call number: 823 Sw55g 1993] (1).
The Hamlyn family pet care encyclopedia : A Practical guide to choosing and caring for your pets
by Alderton, David D. Publisher: London ; Reed Books ; 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Elementary English [Call number: 636.0887 A123h] (1).
The Hamlyn illustrated encyclopedia of music
by Isaacs, Allan. Publisher: London The Hamlyn Pub. 1990Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: MU 780.3 Is1h 1990] (1).
A handbook of Greek literature
by Rose, H.J. Publisher: London ; Methuen and Co. ; 1956Availability: No items available Damaged (1).
Hands-on do it yourself
by Tofts, Hannah. Publisher: London ; Two-Can ; 1990Availability: Items available for loan: Elementary English [Call number: 680 T571h] (1).
Hard times
by Dickens, Charles. Publisher: London ; Macmillan Education ; 1999Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.3 D555h] (1).
Healing foods
by Polunin, Miriam. Publisher: London ; Dorling Kindersley ; 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Elementary English [Call number: 641.3 P768h] (1).
by Taylor, Ron. Publisher: London ; Multimedia Pub. ; 1985Availability: No items available Damaged (1).
The healthy catering manual
by Robbins, Christopher. Publisher: London ; Darling Kindersley, Ltd. ; 1990Availability: No items available Damaged (1).
Healthy parent, healthy child : simple rules for a healthy-weight home
by Kovach, Karen Miller. Publisher: London : Simon & Schuster, 2009Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: GC 613 K849h 2009] (1).
The Healthy slimming handbook Publisher: London ; Treasure Press ; 1988Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 613.2 H348] (1).
Herbal remedies : A Practical guide to herbs and their healing properties
by Peterson, Nicola. Publisher: London ; Greenwich Editions ; 1995Availability: No items available Damaged (1).
"Heroes, myths and legends"
by Jamieson, Alan. Publisher: London ; Ward Lock Ltd. Availability: Items available for loan: Elementary English [Call number: 398.2 J241h] (1).