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21. The Taj Mahal

by Lynette, Rachel.

Publisher: Detroit ; Thomson Gale ; 2005Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 726.8 L992t] (1).

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22. A voyage to the Indian seas

by Le Gentil, De La Galaisiere.

Publisher: Manila Filipiniana 1964Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

23. The wheel of life through Indian eyes

by Johnson, Donald J.

Publisher: New York ; Praeger Publishers ; 1975Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 915.403 J631w] (1).

24. The wheel of life through Indian eyes

by Johnson, Donald J.

Publisher: New York ; Praeger Publishers ; 1975Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

25. The wheel of life through Indian eyes

by Johnson, Donald J.

Publisher: New York ; Praeger Publishers ; 1975Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 915.403 J631w] (1).

26. The wisdom of China and India

by Lin Yutang.

Publisher: New York ; Random House ; 1942Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 915.1 L63w] (1).

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