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121. Pascal : an introduction to the art and science of programming

by Savitch, Walter J.

Publisher: California ; The Benjamin Cunnings Pub. ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C 005.133 Sa94p 1987] (1).

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122. Peter Norton's intorduction to computers

by Norton, Peter.

Publisher: New York ; MacMillan Pub. ; 1995Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

123. Peter Norton's introduction to computers

by Norton, Peter.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New York ; McGraw Hill Book Co. ; 1997Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C 004 N826p 19971595] (1).

124. Peter Norton's introduction to computers

by Norton, Peter.

Publisher: Boston ; McGraw Hill Book Co. ; 2001Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: QA 76.5 N67 2001] (1).

125. Peter Norton's introduction to computers

by Norton, Peter.

Edition: 4thPublisher: Boston ; McGraw Hill Book Co. ; 2000Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

126. Programmer's problem solver

by Jordain, Robert.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New York ; Brady Pub. ; 1992Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C 005.265 J825p 1992] (1).

127. Programmer's problem solver

by Jordain, Robert.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New York ; Brady Pub. ; 1992Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C 005.265 J825p 1992] (1).

128. Programming language

by Tucker, Allen B.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New York ; McGraw Hill Book Co. ; 1986Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C 005.13 T795p 1986] (1).

129. Programming languages

by Sethi, Ravi.

Edition: 2ndPublisher: New York ; Addison-Wesley Pub. ; 1996Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

130. Programming languages

by Louden, Kenneth C.

Publisher: Singapore ; Cengage Learning ; 2012Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C QA 76.76 C65 L579 2012] (1).

131. Programming languages : design and implementation

by Pratt, Terrence W./ Zelkowitz, Marvin V.

Edition: 4thPublisher: New Jersey ; Prentice-Hall ; 2000Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

132. The puzzle master

by Constable, George.

Publisher: Canada Time - Life Books Inc., 1988Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: R 004.09 C765p 1988] (1).

133. Que's computer and internet dictionary

by Pfaffenger, Bryan.

Edition: 6th ed.Publisher: Manila ; Global Publishing ; 1995Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: RFil 004.03 P471q] (1).

134. Que's computer user's dictionaries

by Pfaffenberger, Bryan.

Publisher: Indiana ; Que Corporation ; 1991Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: R 001.6403 P471q] (1).

135. Software engineering : a beginner's guide

by Pressman, Roger S.

Publisher: New York ; McGraw Hill Book Co. ; 1988Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

136. Software engineering : a practitioner's approach

by Pressman, Roger S.

Publisher: Singapore ; McGraw Hill Book Co. ; 1989Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

137. Software engineering concepts

by Fairley, Richard E.

Publisher: New York ; McGraw Hill Book Co. ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C 001.642 F164s 1985] (1).

138. Software engineering concepts

by Fairley, Richard E.

Publisher: New York ; McGraw Hill Book Co. ; 1985Availability: Items available for loan: College Library [Call number: C 001.642 F164s 1985] (1).

139. Study guide to accompany radlow computers and the information society

by Avitabile, John.

Publisher: New York ; McGraw Hill Book Co. ; 1986Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

140. Tech is easy! Migrating to the E-classroom

by Tesalona, Josephine M.

Publisher: Quezon City ; C and E Publishing ; 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Elementary English [Call number: Fil 004 T28t] (1).

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