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1. Anatomy: a complete guide to the human body for artists and students

by Joseph, Christopher.

Publisher: Lewes: Ivy Press, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 611 J7741 2014] (1).

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2. The art of war

by Tzu, Sun.

Publisher: USA Shambhala Pub. c2005Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 355.02 T999a 2005] (1).

3. The art of war a graphic novel Sun Tzu

by Tzu, Sun.

Publisher: California Canterbury Classics 2018Availability: No items available In transit (1).

4. The art of war Sun Tzu

by Tzu, Sun.

Publisher: New York RacePoint Publishing 2017Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 355.02 T999a 2017] (1).

5. A brief history of science as seen through the development of scientific instruments Thomas Crump

by Crump, Thomas.

Publisher: London Constable 2001Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 509 C956b 2001] (1).

6. Calling all minds : how to think and create like an inventor

by Grandin, Temple.

Publisher: New York : Puffin Books, 2019Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 507.8 G764c 2019] (1).

7. The city of ember

by Duprau, Jeanne.

Publisher: USA : Yearling, 2016Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: Fic D9283 2016] (1).

8. The Evolution of Government Larry Gillespie

by Gillespie, Larry.

Publisher: Philadelphia : Mason crest, 2019Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 320.3 G4124 2019] (1).

9. Exploring controlled investigations through science research projects

by Timmons, Angie.

Publisher: New York : Rosen Central, c2019Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 507.8 T484e 2019] (1).

10. Exploring design investigations through science research projects

by Dykstra, Danell.

Publisher: New York : The Rosen Publishing Group Inc., 2019Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 507.8 D991 2019] (1).

11. Exploring field investigations through science research projects

by Heitkamp, Kristina Lyn.

Publisher: New York : Rosen central c2019Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 507.8 H3659 2019] (1).

12. Exploring journal writing through science research projects

by Burling, Alexis.

Publisher: New York Rosen Central 2019Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 808.0665 B925 2019] (1).

13. Exploring secondary research investigations through science research projects

by Lew, Kristi.

Publisher: New York : Rosen Central c2019Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 507.8 L58e 2019] (1).

14. From STEM to STEAM brain compatible strategies and lessons that integrate the arts David A. Sousa, Tom Pilecki

by Sousa, David A | Pilecki, Tom.

Edition: Second ed.Publisher: California Corwin 2018Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: T 372.5 So725f 2018] (1).

15. How science works the facts visually explained

by Harvey, Derek.

Publisher: London Dorling Kindersley Ltd. c2018Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 502 H847 2018] (1).

16. The human network how your social position determines your power, beliefs, and behaviors Matthew O. Jackson

by Jackson, Matthew O.

Publisher: New York Pantheon Books 2019Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 302.3 J12h 2019] (1).

17. I wondered about that too : 111 questions and answers about science and other stuff

by Scheckel, Larry.

Publisher: Bonston : Tumblehome, Inc., 2018Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 500 Sch21 2018] (1).

18. The Infinite sea : the second book of the 5th wave

by Yancey, Richard.

Publisher: New York : Speak, 2014Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: Fic Y15 2014] (1).

19. Introducing cultural studies Ziauddin Sardar

by Sardar, Ziauddin.

Publisher: USA : Icons books Ltd., 2013Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 306 Sa72 2013] (1).

20. Lost science astonishing tales of forgotten genius Kitty Ferguson

by Fergusan, Kitty.

Publisher: New York Sterling c2017Availability: Items available for loan: MYP English [Call number: 509 F352l 2017] (1).

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