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4861. Speak with power and confidence : tested ideas for becoming a more powerful communicator

by Collins, Patrick.

Publisher: New York ; Sterling ; 2009Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.5 C695s] (1).

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4862. Public speaking : principles into paratice

by Andrews, James R.

Publisher: New York ; Macmillan Publishing ; 1987Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.51 An26p] (1).

4863. Speak for yourself : an introduction to public speaking

by Byrns, James H.

Publisher: New York ; Mcgraw-Hill Book ; 1994Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.51 B996s] (1).

4864. Goosebumps series 2000: horrors of the black ring

by Stine, R. L.

Publisher: New York ; Scholastic Inc. ; 1999Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

4865. "The lost art of the great speech : how to write it, how to deliver it"

by Dowis, Richard.

Publisher: New York ; AMACOM ; 2000Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.51 D754l] (1).

4866. How to resign and deliver a speech

by Fletcher, Leon.

Publisher: New York ; Harper and Row Publishers ; 1986Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.51 F635h] (1).

4867. Sweet Valley Twins and friends 42: Jessica's secret

by Suzanne, Jamie.

Publisher: New York ; Bantam Books ; 1990Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

4868. How to speak like a pro

by Fletcher, Leon.

Publisher: New York ; Ballantine Books ; 1983Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.51 F635h] (1).

4869. Sweet Valley Twins and friends 83: Amy's secret sister

by Suzanne, Jamie.

Publisher: New York ; Bantam Books ; 1989Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

4870. Sweet Valley Kids 34: the best thanksgiving ever

by Stewart, Molly Mia.

Publisher: New York ; Bantam Books ; 1992Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

4871. "How to be a great communicator : in person, on paper and on the podium"

by Qubein, Nido.

Publisher: New York ; John Wiley and Sons ; 1997Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.51 Q29h] (1).

4872. Greek political oratory

by Saunders, A.N.W.

Publisher: New York ; Penguin ; 1985Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

4873. "Speak with confidence : powerful presentations that inform, inspire and persuade"

by Booher, Dianna Daniels.

Publisher: New York ; McGraw-Hill ; 2003Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.510 B644s] (1).

4874. "Speak with confidence : powerful presentations that inform, inspire and persuade"

by Booher, Dianna Daniels.

Publisher: New York ; McGraw-Hill ; 2003Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

4875. Principles and types of speech

by Monroe, A.H.

Publisher: New York ; "Scott, Foresman and Co." ; 1939Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

4876. Clear writing for easy reading

by Shidle, N.G.

Publisher: New York ; The McGraw-Hill Book Co. ; 1964Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

4877. How to speak with power

by Price, Stephen.

Publisher: New York ; McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc. ; 1959Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.55 P931h] (1).

4878. How to start a conversation and make friends

by Gabor, Don.

Publisher: New York ; A Fireside Book ; 2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.56 G114h] (1).

4879. Letters to the editors

by Adler, Bill.

Publisher: New York ; "Doubleday and Company, Inc." ; 1967Availability: Items available for loan: High School English [Call number: 808.6 Ad59l] (1).

4880. Theodore Roosevelt's letter to his children

by Bishop, Joseph.

Publisher: New York ; Charles Scribner's Sons ; 1949Availability: No items available Damaged (1).

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