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261. 行萬里路

by 田菁.

Publisher: Philippines 菲律濱晨光文藝社 1994Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (3).

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262. 行萬里路 寰宇記遊系列第三輯

by 田菁.

Publisher: 臺北 文史哲出版社 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

263. 芸芸衆生 We, The People

by 莊昭順(莘人).

Publisher: NJ Art Farm Gallery 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

264. 漫畫選集

by 蔡煌.

Publisher: 歐尚設計印刷公司 2017Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (2).

265. 落日藥丸

by 和權.

Publisher: 菲律濱現代詩研究會 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

266. 千島隨筆

by 稀南.

Publisher: Philippines Neomakers Intl. Corp. 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

267. 千島履音

by 鍾藝.

Publisher: 菲律濱 菲律濱旅行愛好者會 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

268. 學府風光

by 西洋.

Publisher: 于以同基金會 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (4).

269. 想的故事

by 張琪.

Publisher: 亞洲華文作家協會菲律濱分會 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (2).

270. 若艾文集

by 雲鹤.

Publisher: 鷺江出版社 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (2).

271. 林泉文集

by 雲鹤.

Publisher: 鷺江出版社 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

272. 秋笛文集

by 雲鹤.

Publisher: 鷺江出版社 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

273. 和权文集

by 雲鹤.

Publisher: 鷺江出版社 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

274. 明澈文集

by 雲鹤.

Publisher: 鷺江出版社 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (2).

275. 莎土文集

by 雲鹤.

Publisher: 鷺江出版社 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

276. 心宇全集

by 心宇.

Publisher: 蕭鴻 2005Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

277. 再生日記

by 林濤.

Publisher: 辛墾文藝社 Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (1).

278. 想的故事

by 張琪.

Publisher: 亞洲華文作家協會菲律濱分會 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (4).

279. 平凡的詩

by 平凡.

Publisher: 洪仁玉 1998Availability: No items available

280. 平凡的詩

by 平凡.

Publisher: 洪仁玉 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Chinese Filipino Literature Center (2).

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Chiang Kai Shek College © 2018
1274 Padre Algue St, Tondo, Manila, 1012 Metro Manila