Your search returned 20965 results. Subscribe to this search

20861. 漢聲雜誌54

by 漢聲雜誌社編.

Publisher: 台北市 ; 漢聲雜誌社 ; 1993Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R970/4620] (1).
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20862. 漢聲雜誌55

by 漢聲雜誌社編.

Publisher: 台北市 ; 漢聲雜誌社 ; 1993Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R970/4620] (1).
20863. 漢音(英漢‧漢英)詞典

by 洪振仁編著.

Publisher: 上海市 ; 學林出版社 ; 1999Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R802.329/3442] (1).
20864. 漢音、英漢、漢英詞典

by 洪振仁醫學博士編著.

Publisher: 上海市 ; 學林出版社 ; 1999Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R802.329/3442] (1).
20865. 辭海 (上)

by 辭海編輯委員會編.

Publisher: 上海市 ; 上海辭書出版社 ; 1989Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R045/2324] (1).
20866. 辭海 (中)

by 辭海編輯委員會編.

Publisher: 上海市 ; 上海辭書出版社 ; 1989Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R045/2324] (1).
20867. 辭海 (下)

by 辭海編輯委員會編.

Publisher: 上海市 ; 上海辭書出版社 ; 1989Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R045/2324] (1).
20868. 社會工作辭典

by 蔡漢賢總主編.

Publisher: 台北市 ; 內政部社區發展雜誌社 ; 1977Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R504/4437] (1).
20869. 新編國語日報辭典

by 國語日報出版中心主編.

Publisher: 台北市 ; 國語日報社 ; 2000Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R802.3/6064] (1).
20870. 新知識英漢辭典 New Approach English-Chinese Dictionary

by 紀秋郎主編.

Publisher: 台北市 ; 黃帝圖書公司 ; 2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R805.132/2723] (1).
20871. 新知識英漢辭典 New Approach English-Chinese Dictionary

by 紀秋郎主編.

Publisher: 台北市 ; 黃帝圖書公司 ; 2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R805.132/2723] (1).
20872. 新知識英漢辭典 New Approach English-Chinese Dictionary

by 紀秋郎主編.

Publisher: 台北市 ; 黃帝圖書公司 ; 2001Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R805.132/2723] (1).
20873. 漢字形義分析字典

by 曹先耀 蘇培成主編.

Publisher: 北京市 ; 北京大學出版社 ; 1999Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R802.326/5525] (1).
20874. 新編國語日報辭典

by 國語日報出版中心主編.

Publisher: 台北市 ; 國語日報社 ; 2000Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R802.3/6064] (1).
20875. 辭海 (上)

by 辭海編輯委員會編輯.

Publisher: 上海市 ; 上海辭書出版社 ; 1999Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R045/2325] (1).
20876. 辭海 (中)

by 辭海編輯委員會編輯.

Publisher: 上海市 ; 上海辭書出版社 ; 1999Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R045/2325] (1).
20877. 辭海 (下)

by 辭海編輯委員會編輯.

Publisher: 上海市 ; 上海辭書出版社 ; 1999Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R045/2325] (1).
20878. 現代漢語量詞用法詞典

by 郭先珍著.

Publisher: 北京市 ; 語文出版社 ; 2002Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R802.6/0721] (1).
20879. 成語詞典

by 傅玉芳 郭玲主編.

Publisher: 上海市 ; 上海大學出版社 ; 2006Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R802.35/2314] (1).
20880. 現代漢語規範詞典

by 李行健主編.

Publisher: 北京市 ; 外語與教學研究出版社 語文出版社 ; 2004Availability: Items available for loan: High School Chinese [Call number: R802.33/4022] (1).
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